44th Annual Conference – 2009

CTRF 44th Annual Conference

The Impact of Volatility of Canada's Supply Chains and Transportation

May 24 - 27, 2009
Victoria, British Columbia

Table of Contents

    Papers & Presentations

    Papers and Presentations are organized by conference session. Conference presentations are posted with the authors' permission. Only those which are available and for which we have permission to post, are actively linked to the presentation.

    Opening Plenary Session - Presentations Only: Supply Chain Strategies in Volatile Times:

    Moderator: Garland Chow, University of British Columbia


    I. Safety I

    II. Special Topics

    III. Logistics

    IV. Urban Transportation

    Plenary Session: - Presentations Only Competitive Access in a Volatile Environment

    Moderator: Paul Ouimet, InterVISTAS

    V. Safety II

    VI. Short Sea Shipping/Logistics

    VII. Gateways & Corridors

    VIII. Data and Modelling

     IX. Environment I

    X. Trucking

    XI. Security

    XII. Environment II

    XIII. Economics

     XIV. Border

     XV. Policy

     XVI. Rail

    XVII. Air

    CTRF 2007-2008 Student Paper Competition Award Winning Papers

    Past Presidents Award, First Prize, Undergraduate Category

    Paul Grosman - Exploring Ways of Reducing Moose-vehicle Collisions Through the Use of an Agent-based Modelling Computer Simulation

    Jim Davey Award, First Prize, PhD Category

    Amir Golroo - Use of Soft Computing Applications to Model Pervious Concrete Pavement Structure in Cold Climates