44th Annual Conference – 2009
CTRF 44th Annual Conference
The Impact of Volatility of Canada's Supply Chains and Transportation
May 24 - 27, 2009
Victoria, British Columbia
Papers & Presentations
Papers and Presentations are organized by conference session. Conference presentations are posted with the authors' permission. Only those which are available and for which we have permission to post, are actively linked to the presentation.
Opening Plenary Session - Presentations Only: Supply Chain Strategies in Volatile Times:
Moderator: Garland Chow, University of British Columbia
- Chris Badger, Chief Operating Officer, Port Metro Vancouver
- David Watson, President, OOCL Canada
- Jean-Jacques Ruest, Senior Vice-President, Marketing, CN
- Peter Bernard, Bernard & Partners Barristers and Solicitors
I. Safety I
- Huafei Sun, Lina Kattan and Richard Tay - A Logistic Model of Hit-and-Run Crashes in Calgary
- Manoj Shah, Richard Tay and Lina Kattan - Fatality Risk Factors of Pedestrian-Vehicle Collision in Calgary
- Amjad Khan, Lina Kattan, Richard Tay, and Jaisung Choi - Severity of Pedestrian-vehicle Crashes in South Korea
II. Special Topics
- Kathy Chmelnytzki and Siobhan VanDeKeere - Logistics of Special Event Planning in a Lean Economy
- Michael A. Haughton and Kurt White - Supply Chain Skill Requirements: Insights for Post-secondary Training
- Joshua Newman - Transportation P3s Help Shape Canada's Urban Centres
III. Logistics
- Magali Amiel and Michael Kieran - Inland Hub - La Face Cachée
- Paul D. Larson and Matthew Morris - An Inland Port in a Storm
- Blake Kotylak - Struggling to Make Strategic Changes to Industrial Product Manufacturer's Transportation Systems
IV. Urban Transportation
- Hanna Maoh, Pavlos Kanaroglou and Justin Ryan - The Impacts of Future Economic Growth on Urban Commercial Vehicle Movement in Hamilton, Ontario
- Jairo Viafara - Promoting Innovative Freight Practices for Small Drayage and Cartage Companies in the Winnipeg Capital Region: A WinSmart Showcase Initiative
- Joseph Monteiro, Gerald Robertson and Meghan Joy - Urban Transportation in Canada
Plenary Session: - Presentations Only Competitive Access in a Volatile Environment
Moderator: Paul Ouimet, InterVISTAS
- Rick Steinke, Canadian Wheat Board
- Walter Spracklin, RBC Capital Markets
- Malcolm Cairns, Canadian Pacific Railway
V. Safety II
- Shakil Mohammad Rifaat and Richard Tay - Effect of Street Pattern on Single Vehicle Crash Severity
- Shanti Acharjee and Richard Tay - Managing Speed at School and Playground Zones
- Thomas Richter and Benedikt Zierke - Safe Design of Rural Roads by Normalized Road Characteristics
VI. Short Sea Shipping/Logistics
- Emmanuel Guy and Frédéric Lapointe - Integrating Short Sea Shipping to Supply Chains: The Performance of the Coastal Trading License System
- Mary R. Brooks and James D. Frost - Short Sea Developments in Europe: Lessons for Canada
- Barry E. Prentice and Ron McLachlin - Empty Railcar Backhauls from Mexico: Opportunities for Refrigerated Trade
VII. Gateways & Corridors
- Frédéric Lapointe and Emmanuel Guy - Atlantic Gateway: Looking Forward to Harmonise Planning?
- Lei Fan, William W. Wilson and Denver Tolliver - Logistical Rivalries and Impacts of Canada's Logistics Systems on U.S. Container Supply Chain
- Rod B. Taylor, Gordon W. English and David C. Hackston - Southern Ontario Gateway Transportation and Logistics Issues
VIII. Data and Modelling
- Ana Yanes - Trucking Activity Data. Where in Canada?
- Réjean Doiron - Large and Small Passenger Vehicle Use in Canada
- Matthew Roorda, Rinaldo Cavalcante, Hossam Abdelgawad, Baher Abdulhai and Clarence Woudsma - Exclusive Truck Facilities in the Toronto Area: Rationale and Model Development
IX. Environment I
- Clarence Woudsma and Jean Andrey - Sharing the Road to Green? Supply Chains, Consumers and Indicators of Sustainability
- Stephen Blank and Barry E. Prentice - Greening North America's Trade Corridors
- Terry Zdan and Marika Olynyk - Policy Influence on Volatility Impacting Urban Transportation
X. Trucking
- Lloyd L. Ash - Remote Sampling of Truck Sector Productivity and Safety
- Wen Xie and Matthew J. Roorda - Commodity-based Goods Movement Model for the Ontario Auto Industry
- Matthew J. Roorda, Colin Warkentin, Phil Masters and Bryce Sharman - A System for Real-time Monitoring of Truck GPS, Truck Engine and Bluetooth Device Data on an Urban Freeway
XI. Security
- Dave Wolters and Stephen Wright - The Manitoba Food Supply under a Pandemic Study: Supply and Distribution
- Hossam Abdelgawad and Baher Abdulhai - Optimizing Mass Transit Utilization in Emergency Evacuation of Congested Urban Areas
- William P. Anderson - Cross-border Supply Chains in the Post 9/11 Security Environment
XII. Environment II
- Amy E. Moen - Strange Bedfellows, or A Love Story in Two Acts: ICAO and the Kyoto Protocol
- Darren Prokop - The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: The Final Chapter?
- Bruno Jacques - Emission Trading Systems and Transportation
XIII. Economics
- James Young - The Impact of the Increased Price of Crude Oil on the Transportation Sector
- Robin Lindsey - Congestion Pricing with Loss-averse Drivers
- Vijay Gill - Volatility and the Cost of Capital in the Transportation Sector
XIV. Border
- Susan Albrecht, Anne Goodchild, and Li Leung - A Description of Commercial Cross Border Trips in the Cascade Gateway and Trade Corridor
- Michael Haughton and Sapna Isotupa - Towards Optimal Configuration of Truck Processing Operations at the Detroit-Windsor Border Crossing
- Garland Chow - Private Sector benefits of Adopting FAST: The Canada-U.S. Transport Market
XV. Policy
- Joseph Monteiro and Benjamin Atkinson - Cabotage - Are We Ready? How is it Dealt with in Various Sectors of Transportation in Canada?
- Paul D. Earl - Public Sector, Private Sector: Jane Jacobs's Non-ideological Ideas on What Belongs Where
- Trevor D. Heaver - Canadian Railway Service Issues in 2009: An essay 50 years on from the appointment of the MacPherson Commission In Honour of Professor Frederick W. Anderson
XVI. Rail
- Philip Laird - Australian Freight Railways and Commodity Exports
- Joseph Monteiro and Benjamin Atkinson - Final Offer Arbitration - Does it Provide Shippers with More Competitive Rates?
- Ramaz Samrout, Koby Kobia, Ryan Dallaway, Rakesh Manhas, Tom O'Hearn, Vivek Prakash and Wilfred Wong - A Comparison of the Rail Regulatory Regimes in Canada and the United States
- Barry E. Prentice and Stuart Russell - Competing Technologies and Economic Opportunities for Northern Logistics: the Airship Solution
- Pamela Ritchie and John Rowcroft - Increasing Air Service to Smaller Communities
- Monica Lipai and Gordon G. Baldwin - Elasticity of Small Aircraft Use With Changing Fuel Costs? I Love Flying My Small Plane
CTRF 2007-2008 Student Paper Competition Award Winning Papers
Past Presidents Award, First Prize, Undergraduate Category
Paul Grosman - Exploring Ways of Reducing Moose-vehicle Collisions Through the Use of an Agent-based Modelling Computer Simulation
Jim Davey Award, First Prize, PhD Category
Amir Golroo - Use of Soft Computing Applications to Model Pervious Concrete Pavement Structure in Cold Climates