41st Annual Conference – 2006

CTRF 41st Annual Conference


Myths, Reality and Wishful Thinking: A Layman's Review of the Literature on Transportation and Economic Development, Debra Ward

La recherche et l'innovation au minist?re des Transports du Qu?bec : pour mieux s'adapter aux changements, Daniel Hargreaves et Catherine Berthod

Lib?raliser pour augmenter la comp?titivit? du cabotage: les cas de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Z?lande, Emmanuel Guy

De la concurrence ? la compl?mentarit? ou du cabotage au transport maritime sur courte distance : l?intermodalit? comme moteur du changement, Jean-Fran?ois Pelletier

Le transport fluvial des marchandises conteneuris?es : les facteurs transposables d?une r?ussite sur le Saint-Laurent ? Exp?rience de CMA-CGM avec le River Shuttle Containers sur le Rh?ne en France,Yann Alix et Jean-Fran?ois Pelletier

Effects of Freight Border Crossing Process Changes in the Competitiveness of the U.S.A-Mexico Border Trade, Juan Carlos Villa

The Contribution of Advanced Package Arrival Information to Efficient Ground Deliveries by International Couriers, Michael Haughton

The Cumulative Impact of U.S. Import Compliance Programs at the Canada/U.S.A. Land Border on the Canadian Trucking Industry, Donald McKnight and Louis-Paul Tardif

Short Lines and Regional Railways- Competitor or Feeder? Joseph Monteiro

The First Carrier Choice SP Survey for the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: Shipper Preferences Suggest Uphill Battle for Increasing Rail Freight Market Share, Zachary Patterson, GordonEwing and Murtaza Haider

Effect of Different Median Barriers on Traffic Speed, Anthony Churchill and Richard Tay

Urban Density and Transit Variability: A Case Study, Sundar Damodaran

Pour une ligne bleue du Tramway de Montr?al, Pierre Barrieau

Airship Market Prospects: A Qualitative Forecast to 2015, Barry Prentice and Jim Thomson

A New Perspective on High-Speed Rail in the Quebec - Windsor Corridor: Addressing the Distance/Density Debate, Julie Tasker-Brown and Judith Patterson

Design of a Shipper-Based Survey of Freight Movements in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Matthew Roorda, Stephanie McCabe and Helen Kwan

Modeling the Mobility Decision of Small and Medium Sized Firms in Urban Areas: An Application to the City of Hamilton, Ontario, Hanna Moah and Pavlos Kanaroglou

Homework in the Greater Toronto Area: An Exploration of Employment Trends, 1996 - 2001, Dominik Papinski, Antonio P?ez, Darren Scott and Robert Wilton

Developing an Engineering Toolset to Measure and Evaluate Transport Efficiency and Equity in Northern Canada, C. Isaacs, J. Regehr and J. Montufar

Transportation in Northern Canada: An Action Plan, Paul Larson and Matt Sequire

Analysis of Automobile Ownership in Hamilton, Canada, Dimitris Potoglou and Pavlos Kanaroglou

Driving Characteristics of the Young and Aging Population, 2000 - 2004, Joseph Dunlavy

What Does Transportation Spending Compete with in the Household Budget? An Analysis of Household Spending from 1969 to 2004, Bradley Snider

Overcoming Rail Infrastructure Capacity Constraints: Implication for Competition, Malcolm Cairns

Responding to the Market Power of Federal Freight Railways, Fran?ois Tougas

L'optimisation des transits des navires marchands par l'utilisation des courants de mar?e, Alain Richard

Towards a Canadian Policy on Places of Refuge for Ships in Need of Assistance, Philip John

La durabilit? des transports: une chance pour les ?les, Xavier Peraldi et Michel Rombaldi

Air and Rail Costs in the Context of the Full-Cost Investigation of Transportation, Vijay Gill

Addressing Allocation Issues in the Full-Cost Investigation (FCI) of Transportation, Bruno Jacques

Trying to Put the "Full" in the Full Costs of Transportation, David Gillen, John Lawson, W.G. Waters and Anming Zhang

Smart Containers and the Public Goods Approach to Supply Chain Security, Darren Prokop

Intelligent Maritime Navigation with the Automatic Identification System, Philip John

North American Trade Corridors: An Initial Exploration, Stephen Blank

Toward One North American Transportation Market: The Open Prairies Proposal, Richard Beilock, Robert Dolyniuk and Barry Prentice

Gateways, Corridors and Strategic City Pairs, Barry Prentice

Truck Use 2002 - A Canada-United States Comparison, Gordon Baldwin

Household Transportation Trends in New Zealand, 1960 to 2005, V.K. Dravitzki, T.J. Lester and D.K. Walton

Satellite Tracking to Sample Route Travel Speeds of Class 8 Highway Trucks in British Columbia, Lloyd Ash and Jon Conquist

Purolator's "Greening the Fleet" Initiative - On the Road and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Douglas Kube

Competition as a Driver of Change: Winning the 21st Century Fuel Challenge, Jo-Ann Yantzis

Hydrogen Hybrid Internal Combustion Engine Bus Demonstration: Customer Acceptance Study, Allister Hickson and Sharon Cohen

A Vancouver Port Rail Authority - Is it Time? Monica Blaney

Identifying Critical Gateway Road Infrastructure in B.C.'s Lower Mainland from Drayage Records, Philip Davies

Transportation Infrastructure, Security, Safety and Environment - Do They Have Any Effect on Efficiency and Competition and Who Should Pay for the Externalities Arising From Them? Joseph Monteiro and Gerald Robertson

Plugging the "Environment" into Integrated Urban Models: Recent Progress and Research Directions, Ronald Buliung, Marianne Hatzopoulou and Matthew Roorda

Case Study: Highway 401 Clear Air Corridor HPDI Demonstration Program, Tracey Teed

Estimating the Contribution of Commercial Urban Vehicle Movement to Mobile PM Emissions in Urban Areas, Pavlos Kanaroglou and Ronald Buliung

Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Preferable Speed Limit for Logistics Company, Suthipun Thanesuen, Seiichi Kagaya and Ken-etsu Uchida

Setting One's Sights: Exploring the Dynamics of Goal Selection in Road Safety Policy, Anthony Perl and Christopher Berry

Some Properties of Reverse E-Auctions with Private Values for the Thailand Department of Highways, Ponlathep Lertworawanich

A Profile of the Port Drayage Sector in B.C.'s Lower Mainland, Philip Davies

Canadian Cruise Ship Industry, Joseph Monteiro and Sofia Civettini

Productivity, Pricing and Profitability in the Rail Industry: 1995-2004, Carl Martland

Canada's Statement on National Transport Policy, W.G. Waters

The Interswitching Provision and its History - A Form of Railway Competitive Access-1, Joseph Monteiro

Commuting Patterns, Lifestyles and Household Dynamics: Learning from a Firm's Relocation Process, Luisa Sotomayor