53rd Annual Conference – 2018

Papers from the CTRF 53rd Annual Conference

The Future of Canada's Transportation System

Gatineau, Québec
June 3-6, 2018

Platinum Sponsor

Table of Contents

    Transportation Trends - The North

    Malcolm Cairns
    Development in the Canadian Arctic: Issues Associated with Logistics and Transportation

    Christopher Wright
    The Northwest Passage Future Highway or Historic Byway?

    Transportation Trends - Issues

    Chris G. Moser
    Is Adaptive Co-Management a Strategic Technique for Canada’s Transportation 2030 Policy Planning?

    Mark A. Hemmes
    The 2013-2014 Crop Year: Performance of the Grain Handling and Transportation System in a Challenging Time

    Garland Chow
    The Potential Impact of Ride Hailing Entry on Urban Traffic Congestion

    Transportation Trends - Technology

    Adrian Lightstone, Dirk van Amelsfort, Karin Brundell-Freij, Preeya Shah
    How Can Cities Harness Mobility Pricing to Reduce Congestion, Promote Fairness, and Support Investment in Transportation Infrastructure?

    Shakil Khan, Sarah Khalid, Hanna Maoh, Kemal Tepe
    Making Informed Route Choices Using V2V/V2I Communications: The Case of Highway 401/402 Corridor

    Joseph Monteiro, Barry Prentice
    The Future of Transportation - In the Information Age

    Methods and Models I

    Georgiana Madar, Hanna Maoh, William Anderson
    Assessing the Potential Impacts of Unexpected Closure of a Major Crossing Between Canada and the U.S.

    Pauline Laila Bela, Muhammad Ahsanul Habib
    Development of a Freight Traffic Model for Halifax, Canada

    Naznin Sultana Daisy, Lei Liu, Hugh Millward
    Analyzing Time Windows and Time Allocation to In-home and Out-of-Home Activities in Workers' Activity Patterns

    Internet and E-commerce

    Michael Machum
    Potential Use of Total Logistics Cost as a Measure of E-Commerce Logistics Efficiency

    Aya  Hagag, Lawrence McKeown, Nicole Minnema, Mark Uhrbach
    Getting a Lift: Peer-to-Peer Ridesharing in Canada

    Glareh Amirjamshidi, Moataz Abdelkhalek, Elkafi Hassini
    E-Commerce Logistics in Canada

    Roads and Vehicles I

    Adekunle Mofolasayo
    Evaluation of Potential Policy Issues When Planning for Autonomous Vehicles

    Mehdi Nourinejad, Sina Bahrami, Matthew J. Roorda
    Design Parking Facilities for Autonomous Vehicles

    Jacob Terry, Chris Bachmann
    Short-Term Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Canadian Government Finances


    Carrie Parcher, Trever Bova, Robert Larmour, Lawrence McKeown
    From Across the Border to Across the Pond: Canadian Air Passenger Travel, 2007 to 2016

    Gordon Baldwin
    The Future of Canada's Transportation System: Has Canada Learnt from its Experiences with Outbreaks such as SARS, Ebola, H1N1 and MERS?  

    Maritime and Ports

    Alireza Mohammadi
    Critical Infrastructure Protection: Ports

    Desai Shan - The Ron Rice Award for the Best Conference Paper
    Work-related Mobility and Fatigue on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River: Canadian Seafarers' Experiences

    Barry E. Prentice, Joseph Monteiro
    Future of Containerization: Rapid Growth or Maturation?

    Environment and Planning

    Joe Rogers, Farr Fatemi, Bryce Edwards
    Cost of Compliance with Carbon Regulations for Canada’s Rail and Truck Sectors

    Allison Pratt, Lawrence McKeown
    Modal Shift: Towards a Lower Carbon Economy

    Rail Transport

    Joseph F. Schulman, Joel Carlson
    The State of Railway Safety in Canada: An Assessment

    Mary-Jane Bennett
    As the Crow Flies: Canadian Grain Freighting Regulation from 1897 to the Present

    Michael Gullo, Enrique Rosales
    A Review of Canadian Rail Activity in the North American Free Trade Agreement Era

    Methods and Models II

    Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi, Muhammad Ahsanul Habib
    Modelling Injury Severity of Pedestrians in Collisions Involving Distracted Driving

    Mohammad Hesam Hafezi, Hugh Millward, Lei Liu
    Inferring Activity Selection and Scheduling Behavior of Population Cohorts for Travel Demand Modeling

    Roads and Vehicles II

    Matthieu Goudreau, Trevor Hanson
    The Development and Application of a Maturity Model  to Understand Volunteer Driver Program Practices

    Terence Dimatulac, Hanna Maoh, Shakil Khan
    Why Do People Rent Passenger Vehicles? Evidence from Canada

    Joseph Monteiro, Barry E. Prentice
    Competition in the Canadian Taxi Industry

    Data and Metrics

    Maisie Karam, Vincent Dubé,, Lawrence McKeown
    Big Wheels and Small Carriers: Canada's Small For-hire Trucking Industry

    Serge Godbout, Nathalie Hamel
    Modernizing Statistics Canada’s Transportation Surveys

    Bradley Hull, Charles Watts
    Transportation Taxonomy – Working Paper

    Environment and Planning II

    James Jarrett
    What Could an Environmental Assessment for a Hyperloop Look Like?

    Francis Marleau Donais, Iréne Abi-Zeid, Owen Waygood, Roxane Lavoie
    Integrating Sustainable Transportation in Decision-making Processes: A Comparison Between Cost-Benefit Analysis and Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding

    Matthew Olsheskie, Robert Larmour, Lawrence McKeown
    Making ¢ents of Reducing Aviation Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Policy and Planning

    Abraham Berhe Aregawi
    Assessment of Non-motorized Transport Infrastructure in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Case of pedestrian and cyclists infrastructure)

    Justin Tyndall
    Light Rail (Dis)Placement: Neighbourhood Choice, Transit and Labour Market Outcomes

    Abraham  Pius, Obioma Nwaogbe , Innocent  Ogwude
    An Investigation into the Nigerian Rail Transport Quality of Service: From the Passengers' Perspective

    Student Paper Winners

    Undergraduate Category
    Junbo Liang, University of Toronto
    Solving the Issue of Streetcars Blocking Traffic at King/Yonge

    Masters Category
    Gregory Hoy, University of Toronto
    A Multi-Agent Microsimulation Model of Toronto Pearson International Airport