Joseph Monteiro
Joseph has a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Bombay in economics and an M.A. from Queen’s University, Canada in economics. He has also completed his Ph.D. course work in the same field. He has worked for thirty years with the Competition Bureau, Industry Canada and a year and half at Statistics Canada. His experience includes work as an investigative officer and experience in the regulated affairs area, together with research in various areas such as labour economics, antitrust economics, competition law, transportation economics, etc. Publications by Mr. Monteiro are mainly in the area of competition law and economics. He has published more than twenty-five articles.
Besides his work, he is an enthusiastic philatelist and a prolific philatelic writer. This hobby takes up a great deal of time and money. To-date he has written more than one hundred and fifty articles and seven books for which he as won more than forty medals at national and international competitions.