49th Annual Conference – 2014
CTRF 49th Annual Conference
Rethinking Canadian Transportation Policies in the Age of Globalization: Innovations in Planning, Infrastructure and Finance
Windsor, Ontario
June 1 - 4, 2014
Papers are organized by conference session.
Sustainable Transportation
Tor Oiamo and Isaac Luginaah
Traffic Noise and Annoyance in Windsor, Ontario: Assessing the Effects of Urban Form and Border Transportation
Lloyd Ash
Measuring AM and PM Peak Hour Bus Idling at a Light Rail Transit Station in Calgary
Maryam Shekarrizfard, Mark Goldberg and Marianne Hatzopoulou
Application of a Transport and Emission Model in a Study of Air Pollution Exposure and Health Effects
Transit Modeling and Policy
Patty Toner
Financing Options for Transit Infrastructure in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
Tony Redington
Commuter Rail Feasibility for Burlington, Vermont— A Small Metro Case Study
Garland Chow
Improving Taxi Regulation Through Performance Measurement
Logistics & Supply Chain
Jan Havenga, Anneke De Bod and Zane Simpson
Deconstructing Container Forecasting: Commodity-Based Supply Chain Analysis
Lawrence McKeown and Sylvain Ouellet
Canadian Logistics Services: Measurement Issues and Opportunities
Chris Bachmann, Chris Kennedy and Matthew Roorda
A Framework for Analyzing the Effect of Global Trade Patterns on Domestic Freight Operations
Surface Freight Transportation
Georgiana Madar and Hanna Maoh
A Micro-Approach to Understanding Urban Commercial Vehicle Movements: Preliminary Results From a Web-Based Establishment Survey
Kevin Gingerich, Hanna Maoh and William Anderson
Mining Freight Transportation Activity Location and Type Using a Large-Scale Passive GPS Dataset
Mark Ferguson, Tom Lavery and Christopher Higgins
Truck Generators and Attractors in the Province of Ontario
Transport Policy
S. Joel Carlson and Joseph Sussman - The Ron Rice Award for the Best Conference Paper Award
Understanding Crude Oil Transport Strategies in North America
Derek Scrafton
A Long Term Perspective on the Nature and Pace of Transport Reform
Md. Shohel Reza Amin and Md. Sharif
The Policy Implications of Banning Non-Motorized Vehicles (NMVs) from the Arterial Road of Dhaka City
Road Transportation Issues
Umma Tamima and Luc Chouinard
Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation of Redundant Evacuation Path
Charles Burke, Darren Scott and Randy Bui
The Identification of Partial Capacity Braess Paradoxes: Implications for Road Disinvestment
Mehdi Nourinejad and Elli Maria Papaioannou
Simulation of Winter Storms on a Transportation Corridor
Road Traffic Analysis
Adam Weiss, Mohamed Mahmoud, Peter Kucirek and Khandker Habib
Developing a Dynamic Agent-Based Multimodal Traffic Assignment Model Lessons and Methods from a Case Study on the GTHA
Chris Lee and Md. Sekender Khan
Estimation of Lane-Specific Queue Length for Car-Truck Mixed Traffic at Signalized Intersections
Umair Durrani, Chris Lee and Hanna Maoh
Understating Differences Between Car and Truck Movements on Freeways Using Vehicle Trajectory Data
Mohammad Hesam Hafezi and Muhammad Habib
Bus Travel Time Optimization with Unequal Headway Pattern
Cross-Border Transportation
Xiaolei Guo, Hanna Maoh, Qi Li
Modeling Truck Toll Competition Between Two Cross-Border Bridges Under Various Regimes
Farshad Jarrahi and Walid Abdul-Kader
Border-Crossing Delays Modeling and Analysis
Christopher Aspila and Hanna Maoh
Cross-Border Truck-Rail Mode Choice Analysis: An Application to the Manufacturing Sector in Ontario
Gordon Baldwin
Canadians Desire to go South in The Winter- Inelastic Demand?
Finance & Governance
Mary Brooks
Port Investment and Container Shipping Markets: Lessons for Canada?
Jan Havenga, Anneke De Bod and Zane Simpson
South Africa's Emerging Rail Policy Environment: From Misguided Liberalization to Funding Imperatives
Bradley Hull
The All Water Route Europe/Great Lakes: Factors for Success
Sofiane Laribi, Emmanuel Guy and Bruno Urli
Cartes Cognitives Et Le Rôle Des Représentations Dans La Réévaluation De Politiques De Transport
Urban Transport Planning
Mark Ferguson, Matthias Sweet, Elnaz Haj Abotalebi and Pavlos Kanaroglou
Issues in Understanding the Spatial Demand for Consumer Electric Mobility Across Canada
Elnaz Haj Abotalebi, Mark Ferguson and Christopher Higgins
Can Complete Streets Contribute to Urban Revitalization?
Gui Lohmann and Barbara Yen
Outbound Local Airport Passenger Travel Patterns and Behaviours
Christopher Higgins, Matthias Sweet and Pavlos Kanaroglou
Do Canadians Enjoy Congested Travel? How Commuting and Congestion Influence Commute and Life Satisfaction
Transportation & Air Pollution
Ahsan Alam and Marianne Hatzopoulou
Capturing the Sensitivity of Transit Bus Emissions to Congestion, Grade, Passenger Loading, and Fuels
Ahsan Alam and Marianne Hatzopoulou
Understanding Transit Bus Emissions: Effects of Road Network and Trip Characteristics
Matthew Adams, Scott Bennet, Niko Yiannakoulias and Pavlos Kanaroglou
Does Walking or Cycling Provide the Lowest PM2.5 Air Pollution Dose During the Trip from Home to School for Children?
Frederic Reynaud, Timothy Sider, Marianne Hatzopoulou and Naveen Eluru
Incorporating Transport Emissions in Identifying Critical Links in the Transportation Network
Enabling Technologies in Transportation
Barry Prentice and Robert Knotts
Cargo Airships: An International Status Report
Robert Knotts and Barry Prentice
Climate-Related Humanitarian Relief: A Mission for Cargo Airships
Shakil Khan, Hanna Maoh, William Anderson and Chris Lee
Assessing Advanced Non-Intrusive Data Acquisition Systems in Transportation Planning and Research
Tyler George, Garreth Rempel and Jeanette Montufar
Exploring Additive Manufacturing and its Potential Impacts on Freight Transportation
Active & Green Transportation
William Farrell, Scott Weichenthal, Mark Goldberg and Marianne Hatzopoulou
A Statistical Examination of the Effects of the Built Environment on Cyclist Exposure to Air Pollution with a Regional Data Collection Exercise
Ahsan Alam and Gordon Lovegrove
Development of Collision Prediction Models and Quantifying the Road Safety Benefits of Transit Buses
Fangzhou Su, Matthew Roorda and Eric Miller
The Integration if Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction into Vehicle Emission and Vehicle Dispersion Modelling
Land Use & Transportation Modeling
Adam Wenneman, Matthew Roorda and Khandker Habib
Illegal Commercial Vehicle Parking, Parking Demand, and the Built Environment
Muhammad Habib, Nicholas Shaw and Niki Siabanis
Modeling Residential Location of the Elderly Population in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada
Justin Forbes and Muhammad Habib
Investigation of Pedestrian Collisions and Injury Severity levels in the Halifax Regional Municipality
CTRF 2012-2013 Student Paper Competition Award Winning Papers
Past President's Award, Undergraduate Category
Michael McConnell, University of Waterloo
Port Whitby Transportation Demand Analysis
Albert Stevens Award, Master’s Category
Coady A. Cameron, University of New Brunswick
Municipal Pavement Management Practices in Canada
Jim Davey Award, Ph.D. Category
Chris Higgins, McMaster University
Light Rail, Land Use Change, and Image-Led Planning: A Comparative Review and Critical Assessment of Hamilton, Ontario