52nd Annual Conference – 2017

Papers from the CTRF 52nd  Annual Conference

Canadian Transportation: 150 Years of Progress

Winnipeg, Manitoba
May 28-31, 2017

Table of Contents

    Agricultural Transportation

    Mohammad Torshizi, Richard Gray
    Rail Capacity, Freight Rates and Removal of the Maximum Revenue Entitlement Program

    Steve Pratte
    Western Canadian Grain Transportation and The Maximum Revenue Entitlement: Process, Design Considerations and Final Implementation

    Modal Choice Demand Analysis

    Justin Tyndall
    Waiting for the Bus: Service Dependability and Commuter Mode Choice

    Naznin Sultan Daisy, Lei Liu, Hugh Millward
    Optimizing Daily Travel Sequences and Time-Use Patterns of Individuals

    Urban Freight Movements

    Mohammad Hesam Hafezi, Lei Liu, Hugh Millward
    Modelling Activity Scheduling Behavior of Individuals for Travel Demand Models

    Adrian Lightstone, Mausam Duggal
    Region of Peel - Commodity Flow and Network Analysis

    Rahaf Husein, Hanna Maoh
    Trip Generation Modeling for London, Ontario, Canada: A Micro-Analytical Approach

    Autonomous Vehicles and Taxi Regulation

    Joseph Monteiro, Barry Prentice
    The Tale of Taxi Reforms in Two Cities: The Failure of Closed Entry - Continued

    Malcolm Cairns
    A Future with Autonomous Vehicles: Issues, the potential for research topics, and a personal perspective

    Rail Transportation

    Ge Gao, Changmin Jiang, Paul D. Larson
    Express Freight Transportation by High-Speed Rail: The Case of China

    Adam Morrison, Chris Bachmann, Frank Saccamanno
    Generalized Cost Functions of Crude Oil Pipeline Shipments in Canada

    Active and Green Transportation

    Sara Edge, Joshua Goodfield
    Responses to electric bikes (e-bikes) amongst stakeholders and decision-makers with influence on transportation reform in Toronto, Canada

    Puyuan Deng, Mehdi Nourinejad, Mahyar Jahangiriesmaili, Matthew Roorda
    Design and Analysis of City Logistics Systems in Toronto for Express Courier Companies

    Logistics/Supply Chain Management

    Alec Knowles, Adrian Lightstone
    The Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies on Goods Movement and Distribution in North America

    Optimizing Infrastructure

    Amal Ghamrawi, Hanna Maoh
    Modeling the Feasibility of Transitioning Diesel-Based Heavy-Duty Trucks to CNG-Powered Engines in the GTHA

    Jacob Terry, Chris Bachmann, Jeffrey M. Casello
    Sustainability Analysis of Transportation Infrastructure in Waterloo, Ontario

    Air Transportation

    Xudong Chen, Changmin Jiang, Paul Larson
    Sustainability Reporting of Airlines: Performances and Driving Factors

    Barry E. Prentice, Sarfraz Ahmed
    Ground-Handling Systems for Cargo Airships

    Public Transit

    Zhenyuan (Eric) Ma, Md. Nobinur Rahman, Ahmed O. Idris
    Setting A Fair-Fare Structure for Improved Transit Passengers' Accessibility

    Trevor Hanson, Matthieu Goudreau
    How many New Brunswickers rely on organized volunteer driver programs? Preliminary tools and approaches to help us find the answer

    Lawrence McKeown, Eric Mongrain
    Trends in Transit: A Statistical Examination

    Policy and Planning

    Patty Toner, Hunter Doubt, Nick Mulder, Philip Cartwright
    Pursuing Tomorrow’s Transportation System Today: How Government and Key Players Can Drive Positive Change

    Paul Larson
    Sustainable railroading across Canada and beyond

    Trevor Hanson
    Exploring the past 70 years of transportation planning tools and practices among select New Brunswick cities: Are we ready for the future?

    Spatial-economic Modelling

    Toka S. Mostafa, Matthew J. Roorda
    Modelling Start-up Size of Canadian Firms

    Murat Olus Inan, Eren Inci, Robin Lindsey – The Ron Rice Award for the Best Conference Paper
    Policies to Control Spillover Parking

    Mohammad Hesam Hafezi, Lei Liu, Hugh Millward
    Modeling Activity Scheduling Behavior of Individuals for Travel Demand Models

    Road Transportation

    Gordon Baldwin
    Photo Radar in Ontario--Will Being a Late Adopter Solve the Problems?

    Kevin Gingerich, Hanna Maoh
    Utilizing machine learning to reduce the processing time for GPS truck based map-matching

    Safety and Dangerous Goods

    Darren Prokop
    Supply Chain Threats and Emergency Management

    Brendan McPhee, Trevor Hanson
    Suitability and limitations of using an open source video data approach to understand hazardous goods movement by rail

    Pruethipong Singhatiraj
    Road Accident Model for Depressed Median

    Sustainable Transportation

    Aya Hagag, Lawrence McKeown
    The Greening of Canada's Road Motor Vehicles: An Assessment

    Md. Nobinur Rahman, Abdul Rahman Masoud, Ahmed O. Idris
    Modelling the Influence of Fused Grid Neighbourhood Design Principles on Greenhouse Gas Emissionswith Emphasis on Street Connectivity

    Marine Transportation

    Leah Beveridge
    Arctic Pilots for Canadian Corridors

    James Frost
    Short Sea Shipping in Canada - Alive or Dead?

    Trade & Transportation

    Ali Ülkü, Horand I. Gassmann, Michael E. Foster
    A Framework for Regional Logistics Performance

    Mahyar Jahangiriesmaili, Matthew Roorda, Chris Bachmann 
    Assessing the Impact of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on Canada's Transportation Network

    Aya Hagag, Lawrence McKeown
    An Analysis of American Commodity Shipments to Canada

    Transportation Modeling and Data

    Naznin Sultana Daisy, Lei Liu, Hugh Millward
    Analyzing Tours: Application of a Traveller Grouping Based Cluster Analysis

    Hakan Andic, Koby Kobia
    The Measurements of the Total Factor Productivity Growth for Canadian Railways

    Hamed Shahrokhi Shahraki, Chris Bachmann
    Optimizing Transportation Infrastructure Investment using Computable General Equilibrium Models

    Traffic Management and Simulation

    Olaf Milbredt, Florian Rudolph
    Data interface model for passenger-centric intermodal traffic management

    Md. Kamrul Islam
    A Simulation Model to Evaluate Impact of Vehicle Size and Dispatch Headway Variability on Passenger Loading and Reliability of Public Transit

    Electric Vehicles

    Terence Dimatulac, Hanna Maoh
    Modeling the Demand for Electric Vehicles in the Canadian Rental Market: A Stated Preference Approach

    Sina Bahrami, Motahareh Shafiee Fard, Matthew Roorda
    Optimal Deployment of Fast Charging Stations

    Urban Transit Analysis

    Alireza Mohammadi, Luis Amador-Jimenez, Fuzhan Nasiri
    Underground Transit System Management; New Issues

    Hassaan Masood, Ahmed O. Idris
    Index-Based Decision-Support Tool for Transit Stop Planning Under Uncertainties

    Transport Management

    Garland Chow
    Taxi Service Performance: Definition and Measurement

    Shakil Khan, Hanna Maoh, Mark Ferguson, Moataz Mahmoud
    Factors Influencing Electric Vehicle Fleet Acquisition in Canada: Insights from a Recent Survey

    Kalinga Jagoda
    Transportation Challenges of Rural SMEs: Insights from Alberta

    Urban Policy and Planning

    Hassaan Masood, Ahmed O. Idris
    Passenger/Operator Opinion Survey for Transit Stop Evaluation Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making

    Chris Harding, Eric J. Miller
    Life cycle costing for transportation, housing and municipal service provision: a case study in Montreal, Canada

    Truck Transport

    David Evans, Lawrence McKeown
    Factors Associated with Own-Account Trucking in Canada

    Mausam Duggal, Bryce Sharman, Rick Donnelly, Rob Tardif, Shan Sureshan, Sundar Damodaran
    Province of Ontario's Commodity Flow and Long-Distance Truck Models - A comprehensive picture of freight movement in Ontario

    Georgiana Madar, Hanna Maoh, William Anderson
    A Simulation Approach to Modeling the Robustness of the Ontario Truck Road Network


    Undergraduate Category
    Bradley Kloostra, University of Toronto
    Fully Autonomous Vehicles: Analyzing Transportation Network Performance and Operating Scenarios in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada

    Ph.D. Category
    Justin Tyndall, University of British Columbia
    Where No Cars Go: Free-Floating Carshare and Inequality of Access